tegra note 7 xda
tegra note 7 xda

TheTegraNote7hasa5MPrearfacingcameraanda0.3MPfrontfacingcameraandtheNote7markstheentryoftheCameraAwesomesoftwaretotheAndroid ...,Ihaveanunlockedbootloaderandamtryingtoupgradeto5.1,butOTAupdatesdontseemtobeworkinganymore,anychanceyoucoulduploadthe...

Nvidia tegra note 7 quick review

Performancewise:thistabletisblazingfast,itsthefastesttabletIhaveownedhandsdown,andIhavehasthenexus72013andToshiba ...

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Nvidia Tegra Note 7

The Tegra Note 7 has a 5 MP rear facing camera and a 0.3 MP front facing camera and the Note 7 marks the entry of the Camera Awesome software to the Android ...

advent tegra note 7 upgrade to 5.1?

I have an unlocked bootloader and am trying to upgrade to 5.1, but OTA updates dont seem to be working anymore, any chance you could upload the files/provide ...

[RECOVERY] [3.1.1-0] TWRP for Tegra Note 7

A custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. Its a fully touch driven user interface no more volume rocker or power buttons to mash.

Fixing Lollipop 5.1 on the EVGA Tegra Note 7?

We have found the upgrade to be very much improved. The tablet is responsive and cool. The battery life is good again, and it charges completely in under 2 ...

[APX] Tegra Note 7 (P1988) APX operations

Greetings! As you all know P1988 version of Tegra Note 7 does NOT have APX recovery images and thus cannot be recovered in case of brick.

Nvidia tegra note 7 quick review

Performance wise: this tablet is blazing fast, its the fastest tablet I have owned hands down, and I have has the nexus 7 2013 and Toshiba ...

[Guide] RootingUnlockingCustom Recovery Tegra Note 7 on 4.3

Getting root is done in two steps: first, we will unlock the bootloader, then boot a custom OS image that will add SuperSU to our Android system ...

Nvidia Tegra Note 7 [APX] Images | Page 2

This can lead to a totally dead device, there for this is classed as high risk. Due to the high risk nature Myself or XDA or even Nvidia can not ...


The Nvidia Tegra Note 7 is now not only a top of the top devices regarding its power, but this package renders it into an unbrickable device. ( ...

No custom roms are available for our tegra note 7

Hello everybody, I'm wondering why there aren't (working) custom roms for our device. I also got some nexus devices and on them I enjoy ...


TheTegraNote7hasa5MPrearfacingcameraanda0.3MPfrontfacingcameraandtheNote7markstheentryoftheCameraAwesomesoftwaretotheAndroid ...,Ihaveanunlockedbootloaderandamtryingtoupgradeto5.1,butOTAupdatesdontseemtobeworkinganymore,anychanceyoucoulduploadthefiles/provide ...,Acustomrecoverybuiltwitheaseofuseandcustomizationinmind.Itsafullytouchdrivenuserinterfacenomorevolumerockerorpowerbuttonstomash.,Weh...